What Causes Family Stress, and How to Deal with It?

Life is difficult, and so are our relationships. When life starts getting stressful people often take out that stress onto their relationships – straining them in the process. Though to vent out the stress, there are other better options as well. When life gets hard, our loved ones, including both friends and family, should be the one to ease our minds and take the stress away. But when it comes to relationships, there is an involvement of different people with different perspectives. There's a high chance of difference of opinions from each party. Agreements and disagreements are a part of a relationship and shouldn't affect it, but sometimes stress does that.

There are a few problems that cause family stress.

Financial issues

When you marry your other half, you add extra responsibility on your shoulders. You are no longer living alone and are a provider of other than just yourself. Adding children to the equation doubles the stress and responsibility. You have to provide food and shelter for them. But that's not all. Fulfilling the desires of everyone can be stressful.

Even you may sometimes feel like taking your family to vacations and enjoying life a little more.

But when the financial issues kick in, things get hard. Some people handle it really well, whereas some face a drop in their marriage. The best way to deal with it is to first discuss your finances with your spouse. Make a list of things that are a basic necessity and omit out the desires. Always prioritize your needs and desires. Needs are important desires can be fulfilled later.
Keep track of the amount of money spent.


Relationship problems

Life isn't a fairytale we agree on that. But nobody wants to make it a living nightmare either. After marriage and children, it's hard to keep the spark up, which makes couples lose interest in each other, leading to falling apart. Even though every day is not a bed of roses, couples should try to keep the intimacy alive. Take out time for each other and remind each other why they married in the first place or make them feel what they felt when they first met.

Once they lose interest, the marriage leads to separation or divorce. And this thing can impact a child very badly. Coming from a broken family child will feel left out and will be constantly torn apart between their parents because a kid needs both the parents, not just one.
To keep the relationship alive, make plans with your partner, surprise them with gifts and date nights. Even in the hectic schedule take out time to just sit and talk with them. Even though you run out of topics, just be there with them.


Health issues

If someone is sick in your house, then this can put a lot of stress on the entire family. Not only this can add up to the financial issues, but also everyone has to readjust their lives accordingly. Sometimes having a kid with a terminal illness can put a strain on the parent's relationship because they don't know how to accept the bitter truth and fail to console each other leading to silence and creating a gap between them.
Every family member has to be there for each other. When ones are falling apart, the other member of the family should be there to hold them. And most importantly, family members should talk to each other and provide solace.



If a family member passed away, then it can add up to the table of stresses. Grief is not something you can easily deal with. It takes time a lot of time to get over the fact that a member of your family has left. People often fall out, and the entire family breaks as everyone's suffering, and everyone deals with grief in their own way. One way to deal with it is to give another person their space and time. And whenever they need someone to listen to them or hold them just be there without a second thought.


Life never comes easy to anyone. Everyone faces hurdles, and obstacles and grief is just a part of life. But it depends on you if you let those problems affect your relationship. Family is a beautiful word, and such a beautiful word should be lived happily. Don't let the negativity and stress of life get the best of you and your family. 


 Author's Bio:

Besides being an avid reader, Dr. Regina Johnson is an Indie Author, EOJ Publisher's CEO , a Naval Officer, and a public speaker. A part-time author and a mother to beautiful Orlanda, she recently ventured her book store in 2020. She may have a lot on her plate, but reading to her daughter every night is what she loves the most!


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