An Experts Guide on How to ‘NOT’ Become a Narcissist


Narcissists are often criticized for being incapable of change.

Most people aren’t really cognizant of their narcissist nature. The problem is often deep-rooted, and self-contentedness stops a sufferer from recognizing their faults. This might not seem as a huge problem but can cause destruction in others’ lives. According to a book titled Forgive Me for My Sins, admitting your wrongdoing and narcissistic behavior means you are already one step forward.

People who are eager to self-reflect are open to changes. Like the author of the book Forgive mefor My Sins,’ who led a life full of manipulation, playing with people's insecurities and only think of himself, finally embark on the journey of repentance. Try to balance his life, find the light by opening the new doors, and accepting that he is suffering from a narcissist personality disorder.

Forgive Me for My Sins is all about identifying NPD in person and how to protect yourself from becoming one.

Narcissists themselves don’t know why their life is flowing in an unexpected direction, but there is always a reason behind the consequence. Let's discover all of them.

Why People Suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

In most cases, a narcissistic personality disorder is due to ordeal or an unhealthy upbringing.

According to Forgive Me for my Sins, Alon Harris, the author, led a life in destruction and human wreckage. Taking people for granted and ordering things around was a common practice. These are the patterns that identify Alon living life with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Another reason is bag parenting. If parents are extremely strict and always demand perfection, they most likely create a sense of superiority and inflate egos in their nature. But it doesn’t mean there is no space for improvement.

You can choose new coping ways that you like better. With continuous practice, the new, non-narcissistic approaches will eventually replace the old narcissistic ones.” – Elinor Greenberg

Steps to Overcome Your Narcissism

Overcoming narcissism is no simple process. It requires a lot of effort and self-dedication. Forgive Me for My Sins helps you in becoming a better person. However, you can incorporate a few more ways in your daily life and ‘STOP’ being a narcissist.


Respect Others

People having narcissistic personality disorder have serious self-esteem issues. So, it may sound nonsensical.  But these people need to practice respecting others. If you don’t respect others, you cannot expect to be respected. Before expecting others to love you, love yourself. It is the only way to find true peace in your life.

Manage your Instincts

Narcissists are often impulsive and make a decision without thinking. If you want to improve your personality, it is important to emphasize the approach of thinking first and reacting later. The key step in changing your behavior is to have full control over your emotions. This is the only way you can create a better opportunity for your life.

Admit Everything That Happens in Your Life

The narcissist often takes responsibility for what happened in their life. They either play innocent or make someone else responsible for it. But you, yes you, try not to do this. Taking responsibility for consequences has a big impact on life. Don’t rush in making changes. Understand the situation that it takes time, but you can create new values for yourself.

Practice Gratitude

Gratitude requires lots of courage when coming from a narcissist because it's not their nature to appreciate others. But this is the only way to quench ego and self-centered personality. Gratitude changes your perspective. You will also think about others and be grateful for everything in your life.

In the End….

Unfortunately, people with NPD are entirely unaware of their behavior and its impact on their loved ones.

The story of the author of Forgive Me for My Sins, is a true example for people who really wanted to change their lives. No matter how hard the whole process might be but it is not possible.

Add Forgive Me for My Sins in your future reading list and improves your personality.

“It always seems impossible until it is done.” – Nelson Mandela


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