Tips for dealing with life transitions


Life transitions refer to the periods in one’s life involving significant changes.

An event that impacts your life in a significant manner is a life transition. Whether you are starting a new job, moving into a new city, starting or terminating a marriage contract, or grieving a loved one’s death- all of these events not only ask you to reexamine your current way of being but also push you to develop as individuals.

Dealing with transitions can be extremely overwhelming, but you need to emerge as a hero in your own life.

Acknowledge the transition

Denial is a powerful force that keeps you protected in several ways. However, it is essential to acknowledge that a certain change is happening. Accepting the transition will not end your stress, but it will help you accept it’s just a body’s way of responding to change.

Try to eat healthy

When the transition happens, we naturally run for carbs. This is because consuming carbs boosts the production of serotonin in the brain. Carbs make the body release insulin which promotes the absorption of amino acids and releases tryptophan in the bloodstream. The mix of tryptophan with the carbohydrates boosts serotonin levels.

 It is normal to ease yourself with comfort food but remember that moderation is the key.

Jot down the positives that you learned

Life transitions always allow us to grow and develop as individuals. Therefore, it’s essential to recognize how things have become better.

Seek support

Having support groups is extremely helpful because groups help you better brainstorm the situation.

A slight change is always good to spice up our lives because novelty makes one feel aware. However, some overwhelming life transitions can make us feel over-stimulated. Make the most of the tips mentioned above and learn to manage your fears while navigating change.


Life transitions are inevitable and so are the challenges that come with it. If you are interested to learn more about how to deal with dreadful changes in life, get your hands on The Untold Story of Yasmin Ghafoor published by Yasmin Ghafoor who is a symbolic victory for countless women who suffer from violence.


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